Feedback for a digital agency / web design landing page

Hi all,

I’m new here, so please be gentle! :slight_smile:

I would like to get some feedback please on my main landing page, which I’ve recently re-designed.

Purpose: People will land on this page from all my paid ads. All of the intended traffic will be for people in the Wellington region of New Zealand. The main goal of the page is to generate leads and/or email sign ups for an ebook.

Feedback Requested: General design, usability and sales copy.

Comments: My main landing page previously had a lot more content, more flashy. I’ve redesigned it to be simpler and (hopefully) now clearly states what we offer and our process and only 2 CTAs; 1 for an ebook opt in and 1 for a consultation.

I’ve had some feedback from a friend who liked it but thought the hero section background image (of Wellington) wasn’t right for a digital agency / web design company. The reason I did this is because all the traffic landing on this page would be people in the Wellington region, so they would know they’ve landing in the right place but I do understand their point, so I’m in 2 minds regarding this.

Any feedback would be much appreciated on the design, usability and sales copy (I tried to make it friendly and make the message about the reader no me…but I’m not a pro copywriter…so it could be awful!)

I stopped looking when I saw a 5.85MB page load with 45 requests for a mere 5.15kb of content.

Thanks for the feedback.

I’m using Wordpress with DIVI page builder. I have tried to optimise it as much as possible (reduce image sizes, use webp etc and use a performance plugin to combine and compress CSS and JS and cache the pages).
Do you have any tips re how I can reduce the page load size and requests? Maybe it’s the page builder or something else?

EDIT: I just used Pingdom to test that page and it’s displaying the page size as 1.6mb (which I guess it still too large) and yes, 55 requests and loads in 2.89s.
And GT Metrix is reporting Page Speed index of 90% and YSlow of 85% (

Any tips on improving this would be appreciated, as well as my original request of usability and sales copy.

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