Fedex Integration Error

So from an ecommerce site I am doing a webservice calls (Soap Service) to the FedEx api to determine a quote for shipping an item.

I have run into the following error and can’t get arround it: “Origin country code invalid or missing”.

Now it seems pretty simple, but the thing is I have a shipper code filled in. The value is ZA, which according to FedEx Api Documentation is a valid code.

See below the xml sent and the response recieved. What am I missing?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
- <SOAP-ENV:Body>
- <ns1:RateRequest>
- <ns1:WebAuthenticationDetail>
- <ns1:UserCredential>
- <ns1:ClientDetail>
- <ns1:Version>
- <ns1:RequestedShipment>
- <ns1:Shipper>
- <ns1:Address>
  <ns1:StreetLines>Unit 1 Henleyhouse</ns1:StreetLines> 
  <ns1:StreetLines>Wellington Road</ns1:StreetLines> 
- <ns1:Recipient>
- <ns1:Address>
  <ns1:StreetLines>Drommedaris Street 3A</ns1:StreetLines> 
- <ns1:ShippingChargesPayment>
- <ns1:Payor>
- <ns1:RequestedPackageLineItems>
- <ns1:Weight>
- <ns1:Dimensions>


  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <env:Header xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsi="" /> 
- <env:Body xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsi="">
- <v9:RateReply xmlns:v9="">
- <v9:Notifications>
  <v9:Message>Origin country code invalid or missing.</v9:Message> 
  <v9:LocalizedMessage>Origin country code invalid or missing.</v9:LocalizedMessage> 
- <v9:Notifications>
  <v9:Message>Rates and transit times are not available for the account number entered. For immediate assistance, please contact your local FedEx Customer Service.</v9:Message> 
  <v9:LocalizedMessage>Rates and transit times are not available for the account number entered. For immediate assistance, please contact your local FedEx Customer Service.</v9:LocalizedMessage> 
- <ns1:Version xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">