Fatal error: Theme CSS could not load after 20 sec

Got a web developer question for you guys:
One of my blogs is giving me this error msg:
Fatal error: Theme CSS could not load after 20 sec. Please download the latest theme at http://galleria.io/customer

umm… might that be an indicator that my website is infected with a virus?

I am running a premium paid WP theme but I sure didn’t get it from that url

I know what to do if my computer is infected, what can I do if my website is?

Thanks in advance for any assistance/ advice

:slight_smile: if you paid for it reach out to the developers and ask them to solve it! That should be part of the pacakge.

I found out what the source of the error message was, I installed Slickr Flickr, when I was using Thesis, now that I’m using WooThemes Canvas, the built in slider meant I no longer needed Slickr Flickr
that galleria message was part of Slickr Flickr, not a virus
uninstalled that plugin and no more problem