It certainly looks like it. The error simply menas that PHP thinks that the function named “uheader()” does not exist. The script makes that call at line 10
I would agree with @pbsonawane and think that the real name of the function is header. It makes more sence (from here, of course)
If it’s a pre-written script then either the typo exists in the code or there really is a uheader function but you’re not including it for some reason (spelling or path issue?)
Unfortunately, your request for help is going to go about as well as calling strangers and asking them why your car doesn’t run. You haven’t provided any code, a URL to look at or even the name of the script that you’re having a problem with.
When you need some help, give as much information as you can so people have a chance at getting you on your feet.
The script that i am trying to install on my website is the following three. On 3 different subdomains.
I am having problem installing the script. Please guide me how to install the script. Or if required i can also share the ftp details of my website as well. Please help me install the script. Thanks
Right, I’ve found what your problem is. The issue is coming from your ‘Traffic Exchange’ application, where the index file is finding the included headfoot.php file (which contains the definition of the uheader() function):
include($DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/headfoot.php');
The script relies on the register_globals directive being turned on, however this feature was deprecated in PHP 5.3 and later removed in PHP 5.4 (for security reasons).
You therefore have two choices. You can either replace every instance of $DOCUMENT_ROOT to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], or you can search for a more up-to-date script. Given that the script (and both of the other scripts, as well) contain many deprecated functions and seem rather outdated, I’d strongly suggest you search for more up-to-date scripts.
I don’t know how to do it. Can you please modify the files as required to fix the error and can share the modified working script? If it is possible in any way then please modify the files as required and give the modified working script. Because at this moment i desperately need a working Traffic Exchange Script.
If required then i can also share my website ftp details also. Please help me.
In this i am having problem with the parameter value while finishing the installation. Please help me with the correct parameter values of while finishing the installation.