Extract data from .ICS using PHP

Hi all

I have a calendar/events stored inside a .ics file and was wondering is there a way to import the data onto my page and display the data from this file using PHP.
Basically, extract the data, loop through the records, display it and style it.

Is this possible?

Thanks, Barry

Is this old thread any help? http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?506803-ics-File-Creation

Thanks Mittineague

This is what I need, but the other way around. ICS to PHP.

Taken from a link you posted

iCalendar files are saved in a plain text format. They contain information such as the title, summary, start time, and end time for the calendar event.

I need to get this information and display it on my page so I can use semantic markup and not stuck inside a google iframe. This is my main issue.

Just an example(ideally using a basic foreach):

<dt><?=$row['title'] ></dt>
<dd><?=$row['summary'] ><dd>

Any suggestions?
Another angle would be to export the data as JSON some how from the google calendar and display it with PHP using json_decode?


This parser might be a possibility:

However, this project hasn’t been updated in a few years.

Here’s a couple other parsers that look like they are active projects:


Thanks Force Flow

Currently reading up on a few other possible solutions and thanks for the links.
I’ll post back once I have the best approach and get this working.

Slightly off topic, check out OPEN REFINE (ex GOOGLE REFINE) which I stumbled across, if you interested in editing vast amount of data.
Might end up using this myself to transform everything into JSON.
