Experience using Zoom SDK integration or alike

Hello guys,

Just writing to see if anyone has any experience with using the Zoom SDK to integrate Zoom into a website. A client has requested this but having read the documentation I’m unsure if using the SDK would give them all they are asking for. I have doubts whether the SDK even supports some of the features they are requesting. In particular, they seem to want to integrate breakaway rooms.

Is this possible at all? Perhaps Zoom may not be the best option for this. Can anyone shed any light on this for me. Any advice much appreciated.

I have taken a look into the Zoom API/SDK docs and I can understand them, can you describe what in specific your client would like?

Well, what they seem to want is an integrated video conferencing platform with breakout room functionality (they currently use zoom but want a solution that is website integrated). This video conferencing should ideally also enable a live feedback/surveying platform (currently they use google forms).

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