.exe bots and PHP learning

I always look at the links you guys give me but I forget quickly what I learn. I actually forget the parameters of the functions. How many there are and for what. Therefore, started building my .exe bot to remind me aswell as write the code itself so I get no chance of writing errors.
Would you like to see some of them, when finished ? I might aswell upload them for other newbies to benefit. But in this forum, there is no proper category to list your contributions (scripts, softwares, etc.).

I think it would be best if you saw some of my tools before concluding. If after that, you stick to your view then I will have to seriously ponder about this. On the other hand, if you start agreeing with me then I get a green light and it would encourage me to distribute them via this forum to others to attract newbie php users. Tools are free. You guys volunteer and contribute to this forum. I likewise would like to contribute via my tools. :slight_smile:
Actually, if those who voluntarily respond to my threads use them then I’ll feel happy. :wink:
So, do you want to check some of them out ? Shall I PM you when they’re ready. The tools are like a reference to the manual. If you get the tool, you don;t need the manual. One click and the manual would open as a reference too.

Please don’t. As I have already explained to you by PM, it is not appropriate to post .exe files here for download. Most members will (quite rightly) not wish to download such files from an unknown source.


Ok. So, can I upload a video then to demonstrate how they work ? That way, they can give me feed-back if the method I am using will help me learn php faster or make me dependant on the tool too much making me unworthy php programmer. I prefer their feed-back. Also, it would make me feel good if they use it. If you use it.
So, downloading from unknown source is the problem. Ok, I understand.
I get it now. Your policy is not to allow it because it might attract hackers uploading malware and virus and then your forum would get the blame. Mmm.
In that case, some other method can be eagerly sought. There is an online place where you can scan the download link and only download it if it is safe.
Anyway, don’t worry. I am not going to upload any link here.
I might aswell upload them to the software directories that millions use daily. If anyone from here goes to a 3rd party site and downloads it from there then that is out of your hands.

EDIT: Actually, I’ll upload them on the other php forums that allow it. Or mention the download links there. That allow it. I can get feed-back from the experienced php programmers over there. Good idea.


Oh, come on. Surely you can make an informed decision for yourself as to whether or not the techniques you are using are helping you learn?

From what I’ve seen, they are not. Members here are repeatedly explaining the same basic concepts to you. Only you know the extent of your memory problems, and only you can tell whether your ability to learn would be even worse without them.


Off Topic

I’ve split these posts into a new thread, as they had nothing to do with the original topic.

I stick to my view that repetitive code is bad code.
For context, my quote.

The answer is not to have a bot write repetitive code for you, but to improve the code and take repetition out of it.
Don’t Repeat Yourself.


It seems you are more experienced than I thought. I wonder how many yrs experience in php you have or programming altogether. Infact, I wonder how old you are. All this time I thought 25-ish. Nah! You must be older than that with all that experience. :wink:
And, when I think about TechnoBear, I always think of a 38yr old guy. (Eeek!)! Lol! :grinning:
On another forum, I guessed the mod was Bulgarian (even though I have no experience about Bulgaria). I wonder if the guy was pulling my leg.
If I’m guessing your ages right then ask me how. I did not know the answer myself but as I write this my subconscious told me how I’m figuring things out. Infact, I’m figuring myself out! Lol!
Ooops! I’m going off-topic getting all fond of your knowledge!

Members here won’t download my tools (even if it benefits them) for fear of malware etc. Therefore, a solution came into my head lastnight. How about I build a web version with php and then include the codes here ? That will also be another new project for me. Good idea!
Actualy, I wanted to build a web version back in early 2016 and so the idea is not new. I was just little too inexperienced to build it back then. Things are a little different now.
But hey man, what the heck! You don’t want to know. You’re against the idea altogether and so why am I bothering trying to convince you ? Ah! I’ll leave you alone now regarding this topic.

Take care! :slight_smile:

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I wonder why SamA74 LIKED my last post. Was it due to the idea of the new php project or due to the idea that I quit the subject ?

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I don’t see any reason to keep this thread alive. There is nothing of value here.

Use an IDE, this is what they are for. Forum users don’t need to be running random binaries.

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