Exclusive table results

I’m trying to make a datatable using ydcaf’s external filter and cumulative filtering. (https://yadcf-showcase.appspot.com).

This is what I’ve done so far: http://live.datatables.net/wefatese/1/edit.

For now in the cumulative filtering (itinerary), if I select the options A+C for example, it shows:

  1. A+B+C
  2. A+B
  3. C

Which is technically correct but I want it to only show A+B+C, and not every row that contains A and every row that contains C.

Sorry for my lack of technical terms.

How can I achieve this? Thank you for your time.

You would need to define a multi_custom_func to handle this, from a reading of the code. The code for multi-select is an OR operator.

Thank you for your answer!
I searched here for “multi_select” and “||” but I can’t seem to find anything (I’m not an expert coder). Could you please give me more indications?

ret_val = selected_value.join("|");

It’s putting together a regex of pattern matches by splicing all the subpatterns together with or operators.

This is way over my league, I am not qualified to solve this. Please show me.

Could you please give me more indications? I really want to make this happen.

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