Error reporting

Does not set_error_handler ovveride the error_reporting seetting in php.ini?

I mean if E_NOTICE is of in php.ini set_error_handler should not show E_NOTICE too?

I tried this:

$logger = new Zend\Log\Logger;
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\Stream(‘php://output’);

Then added below, but I did not get any notice message because of undefined array element. as it seems errorHandler is registered.

if($blah[aa]) {

why I am not getting any notice log for this? (E_NOTICE is off in my php.ini but I expected set_error_handler turns it on) I tried adding in start error_reporting(-1) and I see both zend/log notice and also normal php notice, so how can I use the error handler of zend/log without using error_reporting(-1), because if I use it, I see the normal php errors too as well as the one by zend/log?

I did this trick:
ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘0’);

But I am not sure if this is really necessary when using zend/log errorhandler?
Am I in correct way adding these two lines to solve the issue? I am still wondering why zend/login set_error_handler did not turn on E_NOTICE?

I don’t know how the Zend error reporting works but

ini_set('display_errors', '0');

0 == false
i.e. you’re saying “don’t display errors”

Maybe it should be 1 (true) ??

zend/log works anyway to log php errors in db, but still the errors are shown on screen, I did set it to 0 to not shown on screen and just let zend/log to add them into db. My question is that I tought set_error_handler does override error_reporting in php.ini? if E_NOTICE is turn off in php.ini, set_error_handler should not still care about it? or is it still ignored?