Echo nothing?

I have created a class “friendClass” and tried to echo it. It prints nothing without any errors, not sure what was it going on? Any helps would be appreciated!

class friendClass{
		//attributes - variable
		public $name;
		public $sex;
		public $title;
		public $country;
		//methods - function
		public function eat(){}
		public function watch(){}
		public function drive(){}
		public function speak(){}	
	$friend1 = new friendClass;
	$friend2 = new friendClass;
	$friend3 = new friendClass;
	$friend4 = new friendClass;
	$friend1 -> name = "Bach";
	$friend1 -> title = "Muscian";
	$friend1 -> sex = "Male";
	$friend1 -> country = "Germany";
	$friend1 -> eat("Bread");
	$friend1 -> speak("German");
	$friend1 -> drive("Horse");
	$friend1 -> watch("Beethoven");
	echo "Name is: ".$friend1->name;

Try testing your class in small steps.

This testing code works fine.


class friendClass {

    //attributes - variable
    public $name;
    public $sex;
    public $title;
    public $country;

    //methods - function
    public function eat() {

    public function watch() {

    public function drive() {

    public function speak() {


$friend1 = new friendClass;
$friend1->name = "Bach";

echo "Name is: " . $friend1->name;


I have followed your instruction. It is still showing nothing.

your problem comes that the last command you gave php was to make $friend4 the object for the friend class so if you switch $friend1 with $friends4 should work perfectly. objects have a 1 & 1 relationship so lets say you have 1 and 2 and a class FOO. So if we make 1 an the object of the FOO class 1 = new FOO;. 1 and FOO have a 1 & 1 relationship only 1 can use the FOO class. Now if we make 2 the object of the FOO class 2 = new FOO; 1 loses it’s relationship to FOO because your last command to php was make 2 the 1 & 1 relationship. sorry for the crummy explanation but i hope you understand the why

The code I posted works without any problems on my local server.

If I understand you correctly, the red bit is not correct because you can make as many instances (copies) of a class as you like and each instance will have its own copy of the class stored in memory.

For example:

Say you have a class called myCar.

then it is correct to do the following:

car1 = new myCar();

car2 = new myCar();

Both car1 and car2 will have their own copies of the myCar class in memory. You can change the properties of say car1 without affecting the same property in car2.

Thanks so much sir.