Ebook uses old version of rxjs


i was working through the “Learn Angular: Build a todo App” by jurgen van de moern

in the 3 lesson where he starts to build an api, things fell apart.

when i used the command line to create a project, it installed rxjs v6, it looks like this ebook was written using rxjs v4 or something like that (research suggests big changes at 5).

sitepoint support sluffed it off, suggested i come here. has anyone worked through this project successfully making the necessary code changes?

in general, i was quite happy w/ the direction of the ebook. quite disappointed to hit a wall. I spent several hours trying to get over the hump, but still quite new to angular and there are enough new concepts, i was not able to figure it all out.


Hi @greg79, I don’t know the book but there’s a github repo you can check out and install the versions they’re using; this way you can be sure that everything works as written in the book (e.g. the angular-cli project configuration has also changed significantly since). Another option would be installing rxjs-compat so that you can still write RxJS 5 code with the latest Angular version.


those are both very good suggestions. Thank you.

I have done other walk throughs and have almost gotten this to work. Now its complaining that the api provider isnt available. This is a different problem altoghether that I should be able to figure out, just need to find another few hours to commit to it.

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