Duplication content issue?

Hello friends,
I am trying to find duplicate content on my website.
But I realize that every tool doesn’t give me a proper result! I mean, if I change content with different keyword which meaning of that is also same, that tool doesn’t detect as a duplicate content.
So, please tell me the tool name which give me proper result. If I can modify the content with same meaning also detect.

Have you tried Siteliner?

What should i do if content is not uploaded yet? and i want to check this content is duplicate or not?

I’m somewhat confused by this question. If this is new content which you are producing for your own site, how could it possibly be duplicate content?

If you are simply amending an existing article, then you already know it is duplicate, and it’s up to you to decide which version to use on the site.

Actually content is written by our external content writer.

Am I misunderstanding the qiuestion?

Are you asking how to check that articles submitted by your content writer have not been copied from another site?


OK, sorry; I thought you were asking about checking for duplicate content within your own site.

I’d suggest that if you can’t trust your content writer not to cheat you and steal from other sites, your best course of action would be to find another writer.

There are various on-line tools which will allow you to check content by copying and pasting text. Just do a search for plagiarism checker and try a few to see which you prefer.

If content writer modify the other blog content with same meaning so possible to detect?
Because if they modify with same meaning then it is not detect as a plagiarism content by all tool.

It’s certainly possible to detect. Even just using a search engine it is often possible to detect enough of a similarity to see where an article has been copied from. The major search engines are good at interpreting synonyms, so will often be able to match text with some words changed.

I don’t know how good the plagiarism checkers are at detecting “spun” content, because it’s not something I’ve ever needed to worry about.

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You can just google portions of text to get a sense if there’s anything similar out there. Plagiarism is pretty easy to detect that way (even if they’ve changed a lot of the text). Otherwise, you can use something like Copyscape.

Post your site URL.

Also, if you have a duplicate content penalty from Google, post one of the links flagged.

Please don’t. It’s not necessary to answer a general question like this, and posting URLs inevitably triggers copycat Spam posts.

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Most people rarely use command line tools which can quickly debug this problem.

Using curl -I -L in various ways can quickly determine if content is showing up as duplicate.

Posting a URL is not a copycat problem, so long as your posting a link which has been indexed. Well not a problem for the actual content owner… This is a problem for copycats, because…

Google treats time stamp of person who posts content first as the owner (first person in time) of that content.

Anyone else who does a copy + repost your content will get a duplicate content penalty, so copycats only hurt themselves… so long as your content has been indexed.

For content which has never been indexed, TechnoBear is correct.

Off Topic

You’ve misunderstood me. Let me clarify.

My concern is with copycat Spammers on the forums, using any excuse to link-drop. We ask members only to post a URL where it’s absolutely necessary to help with their question, because otherwise the forum rapidly fills up with useless posts made only for the purpose of link-dropping. Once there is one link in a topic, it seems to be taken as a green light: “I have the same problem - this is my site”.

Only way to truly debug this is with a URL.

Duplicate content penalties are tricky to figure out.

No way to do this theoretically. Only way to know for sure is with an actual URL with a penalty, then test how that URL might be accessed in various ways + also scrape the index for similar content, which might have a timestamp which pre-dates the content.

The OP is asking about content not yet uploaded.

Fairly easy to check if you’ve been provided with duplicate content.

  1. Search for some highly unique phrase in your content.

  2. http://www.copyscape.com/original-content

To use Copyscape… if you think you’ve been provided duplicate content… Convert the content to a .txt file + drop it in an unindexed folder. This will allow you to input your link so Copyscape can check your content + ensure this content is never indexed.

For example, create a directory called foo + drop your content into a file called foo/test.txt + run Copyscape on this file. Then after you’re finished using Copyscape, delete the foo directory + all files in this directory.

Okay fine. I’m sending two para which is almost same but some changes.

  1. Even after conceptualizing, designing and developing a state of the art mobile app, an app can fail to engage customers. The engagement of an app can be described as a number of active users on the app. A highly engaged user tends to have 10+ sessions per month. The harsh reality is that if an app is opened once in 7 days than there are 60% chances that it will never be opened again. For an app to sustain itself in a competitive market, in-app engagement is not a trend but a norm for invoking customer loyalty.

  2. The situation which can lead to disengagement of the customers can be faced even after brainstorming on the concept, design and development of a state of the art mobile app. Number of Active Users on the App is what defines the engagement of an App. The ratings pertain to be on a higher side for the apps crossing 10+ sessions per month. The matter of fact to be noted here is, if in case the app is opened only once in 7 days then it clearly states that there is 60% probability of it being opened and used again. Sustenance of an App in such competitive market is a matter of concern for many of us. The solution to this is In App Engagement which has been rightly developed to invoke Customer Loyalty.

First para already uploaded in another site and second one give me my content writer. Now tell me, if i can use this para it called duplicate or not.

Do you think that paragraph has been copied? Presumably yes, or you wouldn’t be asking here. Is your company happy with paying for copied content, rather than original work, especially when than content is less well written than the original? (Neither version is written in perfect English.)

One point which concerns me here is this. The first paragraph says:

while the second says

which is the complete opposite.

It could be that whoever wrote the first paragraph misunderstood the data, and the second paragraph is correct. Or it could be that the person writing the second paragraph was so anxious to change the wording to disguise the fact that it’s copied that they also changed the meaning in the process. So I would say that in addition to issues of copying, you now have issues of accuracy of information.

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