Drop-down menu problem in IE

I can’t seem to get the cursor to hover correctly over the <li> tags in the drop-down menu for IE? It works properly in every other browser?


It’s probably the negative z-index in your IE styles here.

.wrap {
    background: #C8C8C8;
[B]    z-index:-100;[/B]
    box-shadow: #555 0px 0px 15px;
    behavior: url(css/PIE.htc);

Remove that and test again.

That worked, thank you so much!

Did that z-index affect the whole document because there was no body selector in the css document?

You lost me there:)

The negative z-index was only applied to .wrap and only positioned elements can have a z-index applied.

The z-index was only given to IE browsers anyway via the CCs you had on place. You will very rarely need a negative z-index and older browsers have problems with it anyway so always avoid using it.

I may have misunderstood what you were asking :wink:

That answered my question, thank you.