I’m making a hover drop down menu. Where you hover the mouse over an option and a new menu drops down. The menu is working but for each option the same image appears. I can provide a link if needed. Thank you.
this is the html
@charset "UTF-8";
body {
margin: 0; padding: 0;
font: 10px normal Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: #FFFFFF url(../images/leaves.png) no-repeat center left;
width: 100%;
display: table;
#wrapup {
margin: 0 auto;
.container {
width: 1100px;
padding-top: 25px;
padding-left: 5px;
margin: 30 auto;
position: relative;
#header {
background: url(../images/header2.png) no-repeat center top;
height: 250px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-left: 0;
width:1100px; /*---Give our UL a width ---*/
list-style:none; /*--- Makes the bullets go away ---*/
margin:0; /*--- Take out any default margin on the UL tag ---*/
padding:0; /*--- Take out any default padding on the UL tag ---*/
#mainMenu li{
float:left; /*--- Make the list go horizontal ---*/
margin-left:30px; /*--- Give spacing in between list items ---*/
#mainMenu li a{
display:block; /*--- Make the entire button are clickable rather than the text alone ---*/
width:185px; /*--- Height of buttons ---*/
height:78px; /*--- Width of buttons ---*/
text-indent: -9999px; /*--- Push the text off screen to hide text---*/
overflow: hidden; /*--- Makes text outside of bounding box hidden ---*/
#mainMenu ul {
position: absolute;
display: none;
z-index: 999;
#mainMenu ul li a {
width: 95px;
#mainMenu li:hover ul {
display: block;
The following rules place the "normal"
state image as the background for our anchor tags
#mainMenu li#home a{
#mainMenu li#about a{
background: url(../images/a1.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#games a{
background: url(../images/g1.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#games li a{
background: url(../images/mbagames.jpg) no-repeat;
background: url(../images/cb.jpg) no-repeat;
background: url(../images/snoman.jpg) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#services a{
background: url(../images/s1.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#contact a{
background: url(../images/c1.png) no-repeat;
The following rules place the "over"
state image as the background for our anchor tags
when they are hovered over by the mouse
#mainMenu li#home a:hover{
#mainMenu li#about a:hover{
background: url(../images/a2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#games a:hover{
background: url(../images/g2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#services a:hover{
background: url(../images/s2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#contact a:hover{
background: url(../images/c2.png) no-repeat;
clear:both; /*--- Clears the float of the list items to restore normal document flow ---*/
The following rules place the "down"
state image as the background for our anchor tags
when they anchor tag has the class of current
#mainMenu li#home a.current{
cursor:default; /*--- Show pointer instead of hand cursor for the current page ---*/
#mainMenu li#about a.current{
background: url(../images/a2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#games a.current{
background: url(../images/g2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#services a.current{
background: url(../images/s2.png) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li#contact a.current{
background: url(../images/c2.png) no-repeat;
#games li#mba a {
background: url(../images/mbagames.jpg) no-repeat;
#games li#cuddlybears a {
background: url(../images/cb.jpg) no-repeat;
#games li#snowmanwars a {
background: url(../images/snoman.jpg) no-repeat;
Yes just provide us the link. It will make testing easier since we have access to all the images :). I’m not seeing anything right off the bat that would cause, this, but I only briefly skimmed over your code. One thing that struck my eye was this.
You’re only rewriting what image is being placed on it. Right now, the only image that will show up for htat element is the snoman.jpg. It overwrites the cb.jpg and mbagames.jpg. If you want all of them on the elmeent, you need to use CSS3 multiple backgrounds (not supported in all browsers)
I’ll say this. Besides the menu not even dropping down for me (is it for you?), there are a few flaws with your dropdown
You hide/show it via display:none. That’s bad. You should basically be hiding/showing via a huge negative left margin, and on hover, make that margin 0.
You don’t set coordinates for the dropdown menu <ul>. It needs top:100%; and left:0;
The <li>'s need position:relative to have a stacking context for the dropdown.
You need to unset what you set on the <li>'s, for the dropdown <li>'s. Aka do #mainMenu li li{float:none;position:static;}
The games dropdown is showing the same image for all because on "#mainMenu li#games a ", you set a background image.
This applies to all the anchors. Including those within the dropdown (<ul>)'s anchors. You need to reset the background to nothing.
Let us know if you need help with the dropdown. I’m a bit sleep deprived so I might just be going crazy. Perhaps I’ll go to bed now. Goodnight :). I’ll be back in the morning to check up on you.
yeah it was showing up for me but from what you said that makes sense. I must have done the show hide wrong, the list is showing itself before the hover. this is what the code looks like now.
@charset “UTF-8”;
body {
margin: 0; padding: 0;
font: 10px normal Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: #FFFFFF url(../images/leaves.png) no-repeat center left;
width: 100%;
display: table;
#wrapup {
margin: 0 auto;
.container {
width: 1100px;
padding-top: 25px;
padding-left: 5px;
margin: 30 auto;
position: relative;
#header {
background: url(../images/header2.png) no-repeat center top;
height: 250px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-left: 0;
width:1100px; /*---Give our UL a width ---*/
list-style:none; /*--- Makes the bullets go away ---*/
margin:0; /*--- Take out any default margin on the UL tag ---*/
padding:0; /*--- Take out any default padding on the UL tag ---*/
#mainMenu li{
float:left; /*--- Make the list go horizontal ---*/
margin-left:30px; /*--- Give spacing in between list items ---*/
#mainMenu li li {
#mainMenu li a{
display:block; /*--- Make the entire button are clickable rather than the text alone ---*/
width:185px; /*--- Height of buttons ---*/
height:78px; /*--- Width of buttons ---*/
text-indent: -9999px; /*--- Push the text off screen to hide text---*/
overflow: hidden; /*--- Makes text outside of bounding box hidden ---*/
#mainMenu ul {
display: -9999,left;
#mainMenu ul li a {
width: 95px;
#mainMenu li:hover ul {
display: 0;
I just uploaded it and it doesn’t look like anything changed. It is still visible before hover. heres what it looks like now
width:1100px; /*---Give our UL a width ---*/
list-style:none; /*--- Makes the bullets go away ---*/
margin:0; /*--- Take out any default margin on the UL tag ---*/
padding:0; /*--- Take out any default padding on the UL tag ---*/
#mainMenu li{
float:left; /*--- Make the list go horizontal ---*/
margin-left:30px; /*--- Give spacing in between list items ---*/
#mainMenu li li {
#mainMenu li a{
display:block; /*--- Make the entire button are clickable rather than the text alone ---*/
width:185px; /*--- Height of buttons ---*/
height:78px; /*--- Width of buttons ---*/
text-indent: -9999px; /*--- Push the text off screen to hide text---*/
overflow: hidden; /*--- Makes text outside of bounding box hidden ---*/
#mainMenu ul {
display: -9999em;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
#mainMenu ul li a {
width: 95px;
#mainMenu li:hover ul {
margin: 0;
one more thing, you say i need to reset the background to nothing. can you clarify that a little bit?
You’ll need to specify each anchor specifically. For example, give the first anchor in the dropdown a class of…“asdf” (whatever it depicts)…and then use something like’
I must be putting it in the wrong place or something because none of the other images are showing up still. is there a certain place i need to put it.
this is what it looks like now.
#header {
background: url(../images/header2.png) no-repeat center top;
height: 250px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-left: 0;
width:1100px; /*---Give our UL a width ---*/
list-style:none; /*--- Makes the bullets go away ---*/
margin:0; /*--- Take out any default margin on the UL tag ---*/
padding:0; /*--- Take out any default padding on the UL tag ---*/
#mainMenu li{
float:left; /*--- Make the list go horizontal ---*/
margin-left:30px; /*--- Give spacing in between list items ---*/
#mainMenu li li {
#mainMenu li a{
display:block; /*--- Make the entire button are clickable rather than the text alone ---*/
width:185px; /*--- Height of buttons ---*/
height:78px; /*--- Width of buttons ---*/
text-indent: -9999px; /*--- Push the text off screen to hide text---*/
overflow: hidden; /*--- Makes text outside of bounding box hidden ---*/
#mainMenu li #games ul li a.mba {
background: url(../images/mbagames.jpg) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li #games ul li a.cb {
background: url(../images/cb.jpg) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li #games ul li a.snowmanwars {
background: url(../images/snoman.jpg) no-repeat;
#mainMenu li #games ul li a.arrowclimber {
background: url(../images/ac.jpg) no-repeat;
#mainMenu ul {
display: -9999em;
top: 100%;
margin-left: 0;
position: absolute;
#mainMenu ul li a {
width: 95px;
#mainMenu li:hover ul {
margin: 0;
and heres how i changed the menu in the html if you need it.
#mainMenu li #games ul li a.cb {
background: url(../images/cb.jpg) no-repeat;
You have a space between the li and #games, which depicts that the id=“game” is on an child element, AND NOT an <li> :). Other than that your code looks correct.
this code must hate me or something, nothing seems to be different. I’ll let you take a look at what its doing. Here’s a link http://superfunproductions.com
Nope. Not close :). Your code should read like this. Note that the <li> shouldn’t have any class at all (it doesn’t need to). The anchor does. And also note that using “.” in CSS depicts classes, not IDs (like you set)