Domains with 2 letters and 1 number .com


I was considering buying a 4 letter .com. But then I came across 2 letter and 1 number .com’s.

Which would you say was the best investment and why?

Looking to spend about $1000 on one domain name.


I presume, from that comment, you intend to buy the domain in the hope of reselling it? In which case, I doubt the answer is that simple; surely it depends on how popular your chosen domain is, and how likely you are to be able to resell it.

Yes - reselling - but I am prepared to wait a number of years for the right buyer.

I may also use the domain name myself…so it has a use straight away without be concerned about finding a buyer.

Just wondered whether many people buy domains with 2 letters and 1 number (.com).


I suspect that a three character domain is at least valuable for its brevity, but I definitely agree with @TechnoBear that some are going to have more innate value than others - four letters might be better than 2 letters / 1 number, if the four letters are a word or a commonly used acronym, etc.

One small help - to get a feel for how well used an acronym or word are, just Google it. If you’re considering dfiu dot com, just Google “DFIU” and see if it brings up a thousand companies or “no results” - maybe that would help you?

I’ve never had the funds, or the interest, to just invest in domains for resale… and generally as an end consumer hunting for domains for myself or clients, people squatting or reselling annoy me, so this is me trying to be helpfully objective :wink:


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