Does rails really have to be that much of a pain to install

Quick question. So I recently got fed up with PHP for various reasons and I decided to try my hand at some of the more recent frameworks that everyone seems to be raving about recently. I narrowed my choices to Python/Django and Ruby/Rails.

So I went about doing an install of each on my Fedora Linux machine. Python/Django was a piece of cake but I had some real problems getting ruby and rails working. It just felt… well flakey and bodged (I had to use rvh and the whole gems thing was a pain in the a**). This of course put me off Rails completely before I had really begun but before I discount it entirely, am I missing something and is there an easier way to install the latest ruby and rails combo? If not, will I be missing much if I stick with Django?

I too wanted to look at Ruby on Rails and have been trying to install and update it for Windows. I am following the Sitepoint book Ruby on Rails 2 but when I try up upgrade as per the book with the command:

gem update --system

I get the error HTTP Response 302 fetching

There seems to be other people having the same problem but I cannot find anyone offering the solution. Is it really this difficult?

@Lee134 - Python is actually older than PHP and Ruby came out about the same time as PHP in the mid 1990’s. I used to do a lot of Python and Perl CGI coding back in the early 90’s, long before PHP gained acceptance.

As for installing Rails, it was a complete pain on my RHEL server. I’ve been administering Un*x/Linux for over 20 years now, never had as many issues installing anything, not even X back in the earliest days of linux.

After getting it installed and poking around a bit, the whole Ruby on Rails environment reminded me of JSP/Tomcat/Jakarta crossed with Cold Fusion and a hint of SmallTalk. Way too much going on behind the scenes for something Apache/PHP/MySql handle in a much simpler fashion.

HTTP 302 is a redirect code. The actual package you’re trying to install is at ( so maybe the redirect is breaking something.

Try the command “gem environment” and see if is in your REMOTE SOURCES

How are gems a pita? gem install ‘insert gem name here’…*does it all for you. Doesn’t get easier than that.

I come from a coldfusion background, not the same as php…*but kind of. I’m LOVING ruby, rails is even nicer. Only thing that I’m not liking is the implementation on the server. Development is a breeze. Wish it was like php or cf where you upload files to the server and they just work…*none of this mandatory load balancing garbage.

Yeah, might be a problem with the gem sources. Anyway, I develop on a Mac and deploy to CentOS, and I’ve never had any particularly big issues at all. Always using RVM to control the Ruby version. Just deployed a Sinatra application using Git hooks after setting up the server, works very smoothly and you really get used to it after a while—though of course PHP may still be a little bit easier due to its popularity among other things. But I love Ruby and don’t mind a little server management so for me it’s definitely worth it.

I do remember having some problems when doing this in Ubuntu though but as soon as I switched back to good old CentOS, everything was fine.