Does link juice flow from site to site to site?


If site A ( links to site B ( and B links to C ( will the link juice from site A affect site C?

Short answer:
Not directly.

Longer answer:
“Link juice” is another way to refer to PageRank, a metric invented and used by Google. The number and quality of incoming links to a page (note, a page, not a site) determines the PageRank of that page (not the whole site). Outgoing links carry “link juice” depending on the PR of the page on which they’re placed, so in that way, the incoming links do have some effect on the outgoing links, albeit indirectly.

Suppose I have a reasonably decent site. My pages may each have a handful of quality incoming links, and perhaps PR1 or PR2. (Of course, I won’t know that, because Google no longer issues public updates on PR.) Now suppose one of my pages has an innovative article which gets a lot of attention, and large numbers of high-quality sites link to that page as a result. That one page will have a much higher PR than the other pages on the site. Any outgoing links from that page will pass more “link juice” as a result; links from other pages on my site will be unaffected.

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Thanks for the reply.

I have a domain name that has about 50 backlinks to it.

I was thinking of doing a permanent 301 redirect from it to my main website to gain backlinks. Not all backlinks are relevant to the main site though (1 or 2 are relevant links).

So instead I have opted for a microsite on the domain name with about 50 backlinks. Then I will link from the site to the main site from the microsite.

The 1 link will be less than 50 backlinks but I am thinking 48 or so irrelevant backlinks would not be beneficial to SEO.

Any thoughts? Am I right to do a microsite?

I’m struggling to see quite how this fits in with your original question, and we’ve been over the issue of 301 redirects in previous threads, but I’ll try again.

Your 50 incoming links are to the site hosted at the domain, not to the domain itself. Some may be to the home page; some may not.

If you are thinking of redirecting site B to site A, then I assume that they are on similar topics, and each “old” page will be redirected to the most appropriate alternative. However, your comment on “Not all backlinks are relevant to the main site though” sounds as if there is little relationship between the two sites.

The main reason to redirect one site to another is so that you don’t lose potential human visitors who may have old bookmarks or follow out-of-date links. There is no point in redirecting unless you redirect them to a resource they may find helpful. Redirecting as a method of gaining backlinks is a strange idea and I can’t understand how you intend it to work. If the redirect is to an equally-useful resource, then hopefully the linking site will choose to update their link and link directly to site A. If, however, after redirecting they feel the link is no longer beneficial to their users, the chances are they will simply delete it. Remember: links are to content.

I don’t know. As I’ve said before, I don’t know what you mean by a microsite. I also don’t have enough information about the content and purpose of the two sites to judge what the best course of action would be.

From where I am, though, you seem to have become so obsessed with manipulating every tiny little detail for SEO purposes that you’ve lost sight of the fact that the primary audience for your site is human. Forget Google, forget Bing and start thinking about how these changes will affect potential visitors. Will they improve the experience, or will they cause frustration? There’s no point obsessively optimising for search engines and finding you’ve lost your human traffic.


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