Do you need to go to school to become a JavaScript developer

So I’m 20 credits from my A.A. and I’m I’ll be going on to my B.S. and my major is computer science. My counselor told me not to take any programming classes until I start on my B.S. and her reason was basically was I’ll be charged more for knowing everything. But I went and toke program design and intro to Java, and now I want to learn JavaScript because I feel like I would be able to get a job easier. SO what I want to know is could I learn JavaScript on my own and after I feel like I understand it completely put it on my resume start looking for a job while still working on my A.A. or do you think most employers want to know you learned how to program from a school.

Now I know JavaScript is a popular Language and I was looking up what’s in demand and JavaScript, c++, java, .net was some of them for my area now do you think one should go with what’s in demand like JavaScript or should they learn something like Erlang, php and ruby. Which just happens to make a lot more money but isn’t in demand. One of the reasons why I ask is because my girlfriend majored in computer science and hot her masters, she got her current job because she learn how to use a program that works with warehouse databases which she learned from tutorials and youtube but I guess this knowledge isn’t common to know and basically she went against the demand without evening knowing and lucked out.

I don’t even think my school teaches Erlang.

lol what? That doesn’t even make sense. I hope that you misunderstood her.

Take programming, learn to program, learn everything you can! LEARN LEARN LEARN! Learning never hurts EVER. Especially in this field. It never stops.

Java is widely used and one of the highest paid languages out there. Knowing both will get you a job even easier. :smiley:

Possibly, depends on the area you’re in and how well you market yourself.

Computer Science won’t necessarily teach you to program anyway, especially in Javascript. Computer Science is not a Bachelor’s Degree in programming, it’s a degree in Computational Science. Learning basic programming is just kind of a by-product and alot of schools recognize that people take CS to become programmers and generally offer lots of electives that will help better prepare them for the real world… but make no mistake: Computer Science is not programming.

To quote a famous computer scientist (who you will study):

Wrong. Supply & Demand = Money

PHP is in high demand, but has the most saturated market. It is one of the lowest paid languages to specialize in.

Java on the other hand runs everything from websites to embedded systems. It is deployed on virtually every machine in the world and has nearly the same efficiency as C++, yet is much easier to write in and it’s been in use for over 20yrs. It’s not the hippest language out there, but it’s in high demand and will be for a long time.

Not only that, but Java can even run other languages like Ruby(JRuby) or Python (Jython), and has entire languages built on top of it like Scala or Groovy. It’s really the jack-of-all-trades. It’s not going anywhere, it’s just starting to be considered more low-level.

Like I said earlier, Computer Science isn’t a degree in programming. Once you learn Computer Science, you will understand how a computer works, how programming languages work and are designed. Using this knowledge and deep understanding of the field, picking up new languages is not hard. There probably isn’t a degree in the world that opens up as many job possibilities as Computer Science, as you can see that your GF doesn’t even sound like she programs for a living.

Forget about jobs (for now). Learn! Learn what you think is fun. Do something you enjoy doing. You know what I programmed in mostly in my Freshman/Sophomore year? I was building game bots in freaking AutoIt. My biggest one was 35,000 lines of AutoIt script. The language didn’t matter, I learned how to break problems apart and solve them programattically… and THAT’S what matters. Not the syntax or the nuances of a specific language. Today I can pick up a new language and start using it fluently (mostly) in usually a few weeks. My biggest challenge so far is Scala, which I’ve been at for a few months now in my free time and I’m finally starting to wrap my head around. (I started using it almost immediately, I just haven’t felt like I’m fluent yet.)

If you do this and you start learning what you want to do, you’ll start getting a better understanding of where the areas of programming you enjoy the most and you can start focusing your efforts there in your Junior/Senior years.

I agree with @mawburn; The important thing right now is that you learn. It is true that you can learn Javascript by yourself. It is an easy programming language but, like everything in life, if you have a good teacher, the learning curve is softer and faster.

Still, right now you have to learn as much as you can. And while money is important and you do also need to work on something that you really enjoy. If you want to know if you really want to work as a programmer, you should learn programming and you should get your hands dirty doing your own projects however small or big.

Schooling will teach you to be sistematic with your learning and if you’re serious about it, to create the system that works for you to learn new stuff quickly. And that’s really important because in your life you’ll never stop learning… but how much you can learn, it is up to your attitude.

So now you’re in a age of experimenting and learning to know which path you want to follow in life and what makes you happy. But you do need to learn :wink:

Nope that’s what she said, If learn how to program while I’m still in my A.A. and transfer to a university like FAU they will charge out of state fees for the programming classes because about of students started doing that and and FAU found out they did that so that they all can pass the classes with out any problems and she use the word “superstudents”.

Yeah JAVA is cool I need to take my mid java class I dont feel confident enough to put Java on my resume and if it do I say beginner.

and here is a chart from indeed form my area of some random languages I filled in

But I will continue to just learn but I didn’t pick any programming classes this term but next I will pack one in. and I’ll continue learning JavaScript hopfully by the end of this term I can learn javasrcipt on my own.

I have a hard time believing that, though I know schools do some pretty underhanded crap sometimes.

Have you ever seen If not, go there. It’s great. It’s the next best thing to having a real teacher. Do: HTML/CSS -> Javascript -> jQuery -> Then a backend language (I suggest Python, but Ruby is good too. I’m not a fan of PHP)

There is also, which I think is very similar but most of their courses are paid.

Just think of something and build it. Web dev is pretty complicated to get into with Java, but Play makes things alot easier. You should still get a good understanding of Java and basic website structure before going this way though.

Yeah, don’t wait around for classes. Use them to get a strong understanding, you should be getting the basics on your own. For me I had a hard time learning to program while trying to figure out the basics and all the headaches that come with the basics, while trying to retain some of the more complicated aspects. But when I learned it on my own first, I didn’t have to struggle with the newbie nuances of programming and could more clearly focus on the important content of the course.

I actually joined along time ago, because it looked cool. I will get back on it thank you for sharing the link and reminding my about the site. I’ve been watching a a guy name bucky lol I think that’s his name but his youtube name is thenewboston

That tutorial is out of date.

Maybe back in Mar 16, 2011 using document.write was common, but nowadays there are much better ways.

So what do you suggest he seems to be a good teacher and I’m sure all hes methods still work.

If you like his teaching style, then by all means it would be better to continue than it would to be to struggle with different just because it’s more up to date.

Just keep in mind that you should check more recent documentation if something doesn’t work, and that some of what you are learning will need to be un-learned. But since tech changes so fast you will be needing to do that anyway in time.