Do we need a PayPal Business account?

Hi all,

Im building a wordpress website for a local community village hall. They want the very basic ability to take online payments via their site. They already have a personal PayPal account. Do we need a Business PayPal account, or will the Personal account do the job?


One of the first “how to form a business” suggestions is to do your banking under accounts separate from your personal accounts. It’s not the web developer’s job to make such a decision though. I’d find out from whomever is actually running this organization and planning to deal with accounting and taxes and such. A good question to ask would be whether checks or cash payments will also be going through this same person’s personal account, or whether they will be going into a business account.

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I believe by using a personal account for business purposes you are leaving yourself vulnerable to not being recognized as a business legally. I think someone could sue the individual with the account rather than the business. It’s in everyone’s best interest to receive money through a separate account.

My understanding of the question is that it’s asking not about business book-keeping in general (which would be an issue for Business) but about which type of PayPal account is required to accept online payments.

The answer to that seems to be fairly clear: you need a business account.


Thanks all. Im now much clearer about things and will suggest they open a Paypal business account.

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