DIV list next to a ASIDE DIV

I’m a newbie to websites coding but i know a littel bit about it and im trying to make a page to display a DIV as a list next to a ASIDE DIV but I cant get them to be next to each other.

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I changed the width of the card DIV but it stayed in on the bottom under the ASIDE DIV.

Is there any way to get them to be next to each other?

Thanks in advacne


First and foremost bootstrap is a grid system which is controlled by using elements in a specific order to create the layout you want. Take a look at the documentation for examples of how to produce columns.

You can’t create columns without having a parent .row which itself must be inside a container. To have two columns you would for example have a col-sm-3 (as you have done) but then the next column would be col-sm-9 and take up the remaining space. Both columns would be immediate children of .row.

e.g. like this:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-3">left stuff</div>
    <div class="col-sm-9">right stuff</div>

In your page that would look like this:

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You should step back a little and work your way through the grid documentation or you will continue to fall foul of these methods :slight_smile:


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