Div keeps jumping to sidebar column

Can someone please look at these 2 pages and tell me why the Features div is jumping to the right column sidebar area and pushing everything else out of place when I add a php include (from http://skyboundmedia.com/longbranch/inc-sizes.php) into the Sizes div? My include code is: <?php include(‘inc-sizes.php’); ?> (The sidebar itself is an include too)

This is the way the page layout should look:

And this is how it looks after I add the include file or even just the table content directly. (If I add just regular text with no table,everything is fine).

I have tried making the table really small too, and it still displaces the Features div.

I know this must be really simple but I am tearing my hair out!

Thanks in advance!!

I would suggest that the first thing you do is run your code through the W3C Validator and fix your errors. For a start, you have a second <head> section in the middle of your page, which won’t be helping anything. If you still have the problem after you fix your code, it will at least be easier to track down. :slight_smile:

Am I correct in thinking your site is made with a wysiwig editor or “build your own website” platorm provider?
If it is, than that is probably the root of the problem. My site was originally done that way, and it was a nighmare to alter anything manually.

I would agree with benbob.
Simplicity is the first step to troubleshooting.

I have built entire web sites with nothing more than Wordpad. If things really get ugly then I resort to Dreamweaver.
Either way, you have to make the code ‘human-readable’ to spot the errors.