Display Selected checkbox on form submit

I’m trying to create an email submisison form. I’m getting all of the text and number fields to show up fine in the e-mail I received after submitting the form. However, I have three groups of checkboxes and another single check box that wil not return results in the e-mail.

I used

$field = array();

to display the text/number fields. I tried a few different ways to display the checkbox, but to no avail.

Can u paste the HTML for the checkboxes.

<td align="center"><h4>Portrait Packages</h4>
        <!--Please select the package(s) you wish to purchase.--></td>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="bronze"> Bronze - $62.95<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="silver"> Silver - $65.95<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="gold"> Gold - $67.95<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="platinum"> Platinum - $69.95<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="unbelievable"> Unbelievable - $83.95<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="package[]" value="astonishing"> Astonishing - $86.95<br>

        <td align="center"><h4>Additional Prints with Package Purchase</h4>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="three_by_five"> Four 3x5's - $16.00<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="five_by_seven"> Two 5x7's - $16.00<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="eight_by_ten"> One 8x10 - $16.00<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="sixteen_wallets"> 16 Wallets - $16.00<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="twentyfour_wallets"> 24 Wallets - $30.95<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print[]" value="ten_by_thirteen"> One 10x13 - $21.00<br>

        <td align="center"><h4>Additional Prints without Package Purchase</h4>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="three_by_five_nopack"> Four 3x5's - $40.95<br>

            <input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="five_by_seven_nopack"> Two 5x7's - $44.95<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="eight_by_ten_nopack"> One 8x10 - $46.95<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="sixteen_wallets_nopack"> 16 Wallets - $25.95<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="twentyfour_wallets_nopack"> 24 Wallets - $30.95<br>
          	<input type="checkbox" name="print_nopack[]" value="ten_by_thirteen_nopack"> One 10x13 - $50.95<br>

          <td align="right" valign="top"><label for="message">Special Instructions:</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
          <td><textarea name="message" id="message" cols="50" rows="3"></textarea></td>

In your email body, you would do something like this:

$body .= "Portrait Packages\
", (array) $_POST['package'])."\
$body .= "Additional Prints with Package Purchase\
", (array) $_POST['print'])."\

If you want to retrieve the individual check boxes, you can do print_r($_POST[‘package’]) to see which were checked.

One thing I would recommend changing is the value=“” to the human friendly version, like instead of

value=“three_by_five” change it to value=“Four 3x5’s - $16.00”

Thank you, that did the trick. I have another question. I want to rearrange the submission e-mail. The way it is right now in the e-mail I receive I have to list all of the $fields before the $body. I want to arrange how the e-mail appears, but I’m not sure how.

I’m assuming it has to do with this line of code, which I copied and pasted from a tutorial.

$body = "We have received the following information:\
"; foreach($fields as $a => $b){ 	$body .= sprintf("%20s: %s\
",$b,$_REQUEST[$a]); }

The top of the e-mail says “We have received the following information” which is perfect. I’m assuming because the fields array is called first is the reason I have to list all of those before the $body which is called second. Is there a way to split up the field arrays around the $body?