Display onclick checkbox works. Won't hide and reset values when unchecked

When a visitor checks the checkbox, 2 other inputs are displayed. When the visitor unchecks the checkbox, I want the input values reset and the inputs to NOT be displayed.

Appreciate corrections.

I put this on https://jsbin.com/rigozos and GitHubGists

This is the html:

  <style type="text/css" >
    .inpmtcc {display:none;}
    #InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency, #InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency  {display:none;}

  <div class="row">
    <div class="columns medium-5" >
      <input id="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency" type="checkbox" name="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency" onclick="javascript:DisplayInPmtCryptoCurrency()" ><label for="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency">Crypto Currency</label>
    <div class="columns medium-4" >
      <label class="inpmtcc" id="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency" >Number Crypto Currency transactions<input id="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrencyINP" class="inputanumber" type="text" pattern="[0-9]{1,7}" name="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency" value="0" ></label>
    <div class="columns medium-3" >
      <label class="inpmtcc" id="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency" >Rate the Risk (1=highest, 5 lowest)<input id="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrencyINP" class="inputanumber" type="text" pattern="[1-5]{1,1}" name="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency" ></label>

and the js:

function DisplayInPmtCryptoCurrency() {
	var selectpmCryptoCurrency = document.getElementById("InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency");
    if (selectpmCryptoCurrency.value=='on') {
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'block';
    } else {
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrencyINP").value = 0;
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrencyINP").value = 5;

Hi @sallywillard, instead of

if (selectpmCryptoCurrency.value=='on') {/* ... */}

you have to check

if (selectpmCryptoCurrency.checked) {/* ... */}

PS: We can’t see your HTML code if you don’t format it as code (e.g. using the </> button in the comment box). This also make it more readable anyway. :-)

Thanks, That worked to hide the elements.
I’ll edit my original post to display the html. I tried usine the </> but apparently didn’t do something correctly.

You got the transactions input ID wrong – in the HTML it’s InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrencyINP, in the JS InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrencyINP. BTW you can see such errors in console of your browser dev tools:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘value’ of null

1 Like

Thank you.
I updated html from my test page:

  <div class="row">
	  <div class="columns medium-5" >
		  <input id="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency" type="checkbox" name="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency" onclick="javascript:DisplayInPmtCryptoCurrency()" ><label for="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency">Crypto Currency</label>
	  <div class="columns medium-4" >
		  <label class="inpmtcc" id="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency" >Number Crypto Currency transactions<input id="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrencyINP" class="inputanumber" type="text" pattern="[0-9]{1,7}" name="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency" value="0" ></label>
	  <div class="columns medium-3" >
		  <label class="inpmtcc" id="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency" >Rate the Risk (1=highest, 5 lowest)<input id="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrencyINP" class="inputanumber" type="text" pattern="[1-5]{1,1}" name="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency" ></label>

This is the js that works:

function DisplayInPmtCryptoCurrency() {
	var selectpmCryptoCurrency = document.getElementById("InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency");
    if (selectpmCryptoCurrency.checked) {
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'block';
    } else {
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency").style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrencyINP").value = 0;
        document.getElementById("InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrencyINP").value = '';

I’ve gone thru the live form and tested all of the updated elements. These now work as I had hoped they would.

Thanks. I have looked before and not seen errors but then, again, I’ve now updated and all of my form values work and reset.
Thanks very much.

Hi there sallywillard,

personally, I would remove the event handler from
the HTML and the CSS from the JavaScript

<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1">

<title>untitled document</title>

<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen.css" media="screen">-->

<style media="screen">

body {
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    font: 100% / 162% verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

.hide {


<form id="cryptoForm" action="#">
 <div class="row">

  <div class="columns medium-5" >
    <input type="checkbox" id="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency" name="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency">
    <label for="InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency">Crypto Currency</label>

  <div class="columns medium-4" >
    <label class="inpmtcc hide" id="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency">Number Crypto Currency transactions
    <input type="text" class="inputanumberCry" name="InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency" pattern="[0-9]{1,7}" value="0">

   <div class="columns medium-3" >
     <label class="inpmtcc hide" id="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency">Rate the Risk (1=highest, 5 lowest)
     <input type="text" class="inputanumber" name="InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency" pattern="[1-5]{1,1}">


(function( d ) {
   'use strict';
	var spmCC = d.getElementById( 'InPmtMethod_CryptoCurrency' ),
        ipmTCC = d.getElementById( 'InPmtMethodTxns_CryptoCurrency' ),
        ipmMRCC = d.getElementById( 'InPmtMethodRisk_CryptoCurrency' );

        spmCC.addEventListener( 'input', 
             if ( spmCC.checked ) {
                  ipmTCC.classList.remove( 'hide' );
                  ipmMRCC.classList.remove( 'hide' );
             else {
                  ipmTCC.classList.add( 'hide' );
                  ipmMRCC.classList.add( 'hide' );

                  d.getElementById( 'cryptoForm' ).reset();
}( document ));



1 Like

Thank you.
This is just 1 of 6 types of transactions the form asks people about. For that reason the form reset won’t work for this purpose.
Would I create a function () for each of my txn types or can I use an array?


It would certainly make sense to abstract away that functionality, for example using data attributes:


    <input type="checkbox" data-toggle="foo">
    Toggle "foo"

<div id="foo" class="hidden">
    The foo value
    <input value="foo">

    <input type="checkbox" data-toggle="bar">
    Toggle "bar"

<div id="bar" class="hidden">
    The bar value
    <input value="bar">
    The other bar value
    <input value="baz">


var toggleBoxes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-toggle]')

var restoreDefault = function (element) {
  element.value = element.defaultValue

toggleBoxes.forEach(function (toggleBox) {
  // Get the element that should be toggled...
  var toggleTarget = document.getElementById(toggleBox.dataset.toggle)
  // ... and the input elements it contains
  var containedInputs = toggleTarget.querySelectorAll('input')

  toggleBox.addEventListener('click', function () {
    if (toggleBox.checked) {
      // Show the target element
      toggleTarget.style.display = 'block'
    } else {
      // Hide the target element
      toggleTarget.style.display = 'none'
      // Reset the values of all contained input elements
      // to their default values (i.e. their `value` attribute)

(Storing those relations in the JS would be possible too, but it’s better to keep the JS as agnostic as possible as to how the markup looks like.)

I’ll play with this and come back with future questions.
This is the first survey for this group but I have other sites and forms that will certainly benefit from all I’ve picked up (and learned) today.

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