Display child page of ID is displaying pages of different ID

Hi Thanks for taking your time to read I hope it makes sense

I have a shortcode that I want to display all the children granchidren of page ID10 but instead it display all pages can someone help please? Here is my shortcode:

/* Digital query display latest 3 pages that is custom field extramenu with value (portfoliomenu) and is child page of ID 10   */
function megamenu_digital_portfolio_function($atts) {
      'posts' => 2,
   ), $atts));

   $return_string = '<div class="three-columns">';
       'sort_order' => 'asc',
    'sort_column' => 'post_title',
    'hierarchical' => 1,
    'exclude' => '',
    'include' => '',
    'meta_key' => '',
    'meta_value' => '',
    'authors' => '',
    'child_of' => 0,
    'parent' => -1,
    'exclude_tree' => '',
    'number' => '',
    'offset' => 0, 
    'post_type' => 'page', 
    'meta_key' => 'extra_menu', 
    'meta_value' => 'portfoliomenu', 
    'showposts' => $posts));
   if (have_posts()) :
      while (have_posts()) : the_post();
         $return_string .= '
             <div class="column portfolio megamenu-digital-news">
                <div class="column-inner">
                    <a href="'.get_permalink().'">
                        <div class="megamenu-news-image">'.get_the_post_thumbnail().'</div>
                        <p class="megamenu-news-title">'.short_title('...', 10).'</p>
                        <p class="megamenu-news-teaser-text">'.get_the_popular_excerpt().'</p>
                        <p class="read-more">Read More</p>
   $return_string .= '</div>';
   $return_string .= '<div class="digital-news-footer"><p class="read-more"><a href="#">View All Digital News</a></p></div>';

   return $return_string;

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