How can i know more about html and css?if anyone known about this, please help me!
Pulling this from a post I made in another forum
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Self-learning via gamification:
Things you should look up (after you learn basic page building):
- Learning shorthand (font, background, but especially the differences between Margin/Padding versus Border-radius)
- Box-sizing…sigh.
- Psuedo-classes
- CSS Combinators (primarily the > sign)
- The various types of selectors
- Understanding CSS Float and when to use it
- Understanding @media queries
- Understanding Prefixes
- Understanding Inheritance
- Get use to seeing this a lot: Can I use… Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
- Download every modern browser. IE, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari.
- Building your own CSS defaults and not relying on things like reset.css or normalize.css
- Anything about IE8, if you want to lose your mind
Avoid anything about transitions, animations, JavaScript, JavaScript frameworks, PHP, PHP frameworks, and DOM manipulation until you have a firm grasp on static page building.
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