Discount codes with Paypal 'Website Payments Standard'


Does anyone have experience of using Paypal ‘Website Payments Standard’?

If so, is it possible to create discount codes for the products using Paypal ‘Website Payments Standard’?

I can easily create Products with this and add them to my website, but just wondered how easy it is to then append discount codes to these.

Do I have to to do this manually in the HTML or can I do it at the PayPal end.

Many thanks

Just a bit of further research shows that PayPal don’t support this directly.

The discount code itself would actually come from the Shopping Cart itself.

In my case I was just using WordPress with some ‘Add to Cart’ buttons.

Does anyone have experience of using discount codes with PayPal without the shopping cart software?


To overcome this exact same PayPal cart discount code problem in the past I used the ShopIntegrator WordPress ecommerce plugin (Shop Integrator - WordPress Ecommerce Plugin and Shopping Basket/Cart) to be able to be able to give money off and percentage off discount codes to shoppers, simply replacing the basic PayPal cart and Add to Cart buttons in your WordPress posts and pages with the equivalent shopping cart add in buttons, but still using the same PayPal payment stage at the end of the final checkout payment stage to accept the shopper credit card.

Many thanks.

I’ll look into this shortly.