Hi all,
I have to develop a simple static website which should appear correctly on iPads and mobile phones also.
I probably should be using a fluid layout.
I am looking at the Smashing Mag article about this.
I also saw some frameworks like Zurb
But slightly confused on what I should be using actually and which is the easiest to use.
Kindly help. Thanks a lot in advance…
(I am sorry if I posted in the wrong section)
You can built a site that responds to different devices like desktop, iPad and mobile just with HTML and CSS. A buzzphrase going around at the moment is responsive design. A key tool for this is the CSS @media rule. You can use JavaScript, but it’s not really necessary.
Thanks you for your reply, Ralph.
Will a framework simplify the process in your opinion?
Thanks again.
Usually I would think of that as complicating the process, but I guess it depends on how experienced you are. I prefer to write code myself so I understand fully how it works. This mobile boilerplate by Andy Clarke might be of some interest to you:
Sorry… couldn’t come back earlier.
Thanks a lot Ralph, I will check out 320andup.