Detecting control key press and release options in javascript

hi everyone,

How to detect whether a control key is pressed and released from the keyboard?
onkeydown” iam invoking the following function…and updating the flag “cntrl_key_pressed” to true and false accordingly.


function detectCTRLKey(e)
var code;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode;
else if (e.which) code = e.which;

how to identify that the control key is released from the keyboard, so that i can reset the flag (cntrl_key_pressed) to false.?

need help regarding…

here is the sample code…for verification

<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=UTF-8”>


<script language=“javascript”>

var cntrl_key_pressed=false;
function detectCTRLKey(e)
    var code;
    if (!e) var e = window.event;
    if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode;
    else if (e.which) code = e.which;
		alert("keydown event control key value :: "+cntrl_key_pressed);

function resetCTRLKey(e)
   //var evt = e || window.event;
   //alert('keyCode is ' + evt.keyCode);
   //alert('charCode is ' + evt.charCode);
   alert("keyup event control key value :: "+cntrl_key_pressed);



<div id=“treeBox” style=“position:absolute; left:13; top:0;width:370;height:290;background:#CCCCCC” onkeyup=“resetCTRLKey(event)” onkeydown=“detectCTRLKey(event)” border=“1”>


Note: Somehow the keyup event is getting suppressed…

abhishek.c has an alternative that would work, although the detectCTRLKey function shold actually be called on mouseup. I’m not sure how much the cntrl_key_pressed is needed, as all the scripting can be done directly in the if(code==17) conditional.

The other alternative would be to trap the “ctrlKey” event property. It avoids having to use “keyCode” or “which”. There is a keydown and a keyup fork, as ctrlKey only gets triggered on keydown. Check out the source code below:
<input type=“text” id=“zorro” onkeydown=“checkKey(event);” onkeyup=“checkKey(event);” />
var theKeyPressed = null;
function checkKey(e) {
if(e.type == ‘keydown’) {
theKeyPressed = e.ctrlKey;
if(e.type == ‘keyup’ && theKeyPressed == true) {
return alert(‘the CTRL key has been released’);

thanks for the reply…

Also i have to check whether delete key is pressed or not…

maybe this code helps you:

        function OnKeyDown (event){
            var keyCode = event.which;
            if (keyCode == undefined) {
                keyCode = event.keyCode;

			var down = document.getElementById ("down");
            down.innerHTML += keyCode + ", ";

        function OnKeyUp (event){
            var keyCode = event.which;
            if (keyCode == undefined) {
                keyCode = event.keyCode;

			var up = document.getElementById ("up");
            up.innerHTML += keyCode + ", ";
    <input size="40" value="Press or release a key in this field!" onkeydown="OnKeyDown (event);" onkeyup="OnKeyUp (event);"/>
	<div id="down"></div>
	<div id="up"></div>

In this case you are indeed better off using keycodes to detect and process multiple key characters, as follows:
<input type=“text” id=“zorro” onkeyup=“checkKey(event);” />
function checkKey(e) {
var theKeyPressed = null;
var reaction = false;

if(window.event) {
theKeyPressed = e.keyCode;
if(e.which) {
theKeyPressed = e.which;

switch(theKeyPressed) {
case 17: theKeyPressed = ‘CTRL’;
reaction = true;break
case 46: theKeyPressed = ‘DEL’;
reaction = true;break
case 8: theKeyPressed = ‘BACKSPACE’;
reaction = true;

if(reaction == true) {
alert(‘The ‘+ theKeyPressed +’ key was released’);

The exact same source code can be put on keydown and keypress…