Hi friends. I’m hoping I don’t have to do this through image magick. I have a mySQL search | filter | find question related to graphics and icon files but I don’t even know if it will work. I want to search my drives for graphics & icons rendered in the Windows 16-color palette.
[]I have 2,000 graphics & icon files
[]in the following 4 formats: ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP
[*]Windows XP has never indexed thumbnails for any of these files[/list]
It’s no. 3 that is my first issue. Is the palette itself contained in the file’s RAW data? or must it first have to be extracted (eg. in a thumbail)? Thanks.
When you right-click on one of these files, is the information you’re looking for displayed anywhere? If it is, then you may be in with a chance of searching like that.
I just looked at a file on my Mac in Finder and can see this info. There’s nothing to say that’s all there is to find, but it does give a bit of a clue as to the meta data stored along with the image itself.