Desiring feedback on a very new blog

Hello, I was wondering if I could get some constructive criticism on my new blog. It is very new, and I understand that I have a long way to go. I also know that this may not ever go anywhere and I’m perfectly fine with that. But if anyone could give me some good advice or pointers they would be highly appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

P.S. I plan on improving the name as well as getting a custom domain if I feel the site has potential, I just figured I would start here.

You may want to change the name, since the name doesn’t match up with the post. You may want to give your credentials for writing the post so you don’t come across like every other Tom, Dick, and Harry who is putting up a blog. I did not know whether you were qualified to write the post.

By all means fill out the pages for the links at bottom. The About would be a good place to clarify to yourself what you want to do with the site. It will serve as a personal guide as to what will be on the site and what will not.

Your grammar was slightly off and some details were missing (which confused me), so you’ll want to read and reread to make sure you get your message across. If you are going to write a lot, please do what I’ve done and keep reading books of writing. Just check them out of your library in between other books you are reading.

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No references, and for a subject like time travel it could have been much longer and comprehensive. Didn’t feel like you were invested in it.

I feel the WP theme you chose does not fit the appeal you’re trying to give. I would go with a simpler website, not a responsive full screen theme that displays a modern industry feel everyones doing now adays. I’d go more ‘homey’ and ‘this is what I want to say’ blog.

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Thank you both so much! What do you think about the theme of the content, do you think its something that will actually interest people?

For starters you could name the domain “Interesting things” or “hot topics”. The domain doesnt go with the content.


Would very much suggest using a different theme for starters.
Make sure you post content regularly get more followers
& ofcourse share your content on social media & with your friends.

Post edited by TechnoBear to remove fake signature

Your writing is good.

If you have passion for writing then get a self hosted WordPress site.

Or else if this is just your hobby then is fine.

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