I have question regarding my website diagrams design.
I have to develop a website for my college and I am requested to draw the diagrams such as structure flowchart, ERD.
My website is very normal just to interduce the college and some other functions like online chat, clubs registration for students.
currently I have delivered site-mab, structure chart (of the website), administrator flowchart, user (registered and unregistered), clubs registration flowchart and ERD.
My website doesn’t have context diagram neither DFD.
But I want to know what diagrams else should be delivered along with what I’ve mentioned before ?
Do I need to detail the structure chart…If so, what is the way of doing that ?
any help or suggestion I’ll be very grateful. and thanks in advance guys.
My website doesn’t have context diagram neither DFD.
Yikes, neither does mine! TBH, I don’t know what you are referring to with a lot of your points, like DFD, ERD and so on. These sound like things relating to your course and its requirements rather than web design itself. It sounds like you need to check with your teachers what they are expecting from you. (Sorry if I’m wrong and have missed something obvious!)
Yes the website is for my college (my final year project)
in the design stage I have come with these things
structure chart (of the website), administrator flowchart, user (registered and unregistered), clubs registration flowchart and ERD.
to get to the point I have already discussed with my teacher she asked me to break down the structure chart into detailed one…but I don’t know what is the term used for it, and what is the way of doing it… is it same as when u do DFD level 1 ?
also when drawing flowcharts for corporate website would you pls name what kind of diagrams or flowchart must be documented ?
But a DFD shows the flow of data exchanges during processes, so is your website database driven or calculation driven, passing data from one page to another? If not, it should not need a DFD. (I hated DFDs with a vengance during my last degree course, we’d make them, then ignore them and build the project with no further reference to them.)
And an ERD is a tool used to help design and normalise a database, so again, is it a database driven system or app you are building. If not you don’t need one. I’ve always drawn out an ERD for every database project and they are very very useful there. But in a static web site? Never.
You can use a pseudo flow chart as a way for showing how your menu takes you to different pages, especially different sections of the site which may have their own sub-menu. That’s common for larger web sites, so you can check that the route to certain pages / sections is logical, and that some can be reached by more than one route. We had a business rival whose initial site redesign was hailed as great, until you realised it had a continually branching structure, and most pages that mattered could only be reached by one route where you had to branch off at the correct points, with no linking between the different sections at all. A bit like an old dungeons game in fact. We decided not to mock their design publicly and let people be initially impressed by it’s flashy graphics, as finding little details like certain costs were extremely difficult indeed, and drove users up the wall. It took them two years to sort it A flow chart would have highlighted their problems instantly.
Yes actually my website doesn’t has any data manipulation or calculation as Dr. John mentioned. I have database and I drew the ERD.
I was actually looking for something just as what Dr.John said
You can use a pseudo flow chart as a way for showing how your menu takes you to different pages, especially different sections of the site which may have their own sub-menu. That’s common for larger web sites, so you can check that the route to certain pages / sections is logical, and that some can be reached by more than one route.
I wanted to know how to detailed my structure flowchart as I have no idea, till Dr.John talked about. at least now I have the idea of what am looking for.