Delete from MYSQL

Hi All

I’m having a spot of bother with a delete statement, it works, as in there are no errors, but there is something wrong as it won’t delete the record in the MYSQL database, shown below is the form:

		<form action=co_delete.php method=post/>
				<input name=photo_id type=text value=" .  $pid['photo_id'] . ">
				<input type=submit name=delete value=Delete />

$pid is the assigned variable for dealing with the file id

// Get the configuration data
    $connect = require_once('../Connections/ilikeyours.php'); 
	//Connect to mysql server
	$link = mysql_connect($hostname_ilikeyours, $username_ilikeyours, $password_ilikeyours);
	if(!$link) {
		die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error());
	//Select database
	$db = mysql_select_db($database_ilikeyours);
	if(!$db) {
		die("Unable to select database");
	$pid = $_POST['photo_id'];
$remove_pic = ("DELETE FROM gallery_photos WHERE photo_id = '$pid'");
mysql_query($remove_pic) or die(mysql_error());

echo "Picture Deleted

		<a href=co_recentpics.php> Click here</a> to go back to the pictures";

As already mention this does not work for some reason any ideas?

Are you sure that $pid has expected value in your query? Did you try to echo the query and run it outside php like in phpmyadmin or any mysql clients? BTW what is the error message?