Deciding on font for text (<p>)

Hi everybody,

Thanks a lot for your help with the color palette, your inputs were great and helped me a lot.

I’m now trying to understand what’s the best font for the text (<p>), to pair it with our headline font, which is Gilroy.

Let me know which one you prefer, it would be great to hear your opinion.

P.S: Sitepoint doesn’t let me upload more than one pic. It might take some time to load the image, unfortunately.

I personally like Montserrat the best of the given options. Open Sans is bit too basic, I don’t like the kerning on Muli, and Poppins just feels off; it’s too clunky.

Bear in mind that’s just my opinion, and to be honest the differences between Open Sans, Muli and Montserrat is quite small.

What prompted you to pick these fonts? And why not go with a default font such as Arial, etc, that’s not as heavy to load?

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