Deciding a full stack?

There are so many choices to make when you are building a Saas app. Because Saas is different. I’m in a state of confusion like

  1. MEAN stack or LA(N)MP stack ?
  2. Foundationdb or mongodb ?
  3. Laravel or something else ?
  4. jquery or Angularjs ?

I need to achieve

  1. Speed (and never loose it)
  2. Security
  3. Robustness

Here’s a similar discussion that may help.


I’m sad that thread didn’t take off more.

Calling in @orodio because he’ll likely have a smart opinion.


When you say speed, do you mean speed in development (time till feature release) or speed of the application (benchmarks)

People also had some really good points in my opinion-request thread here:

I’m sure it’ll really matter a lot what your SaaS is going to do, what kind of resources you have to work with, what you or any other team members are comfortable working in, etc etc - there’s a lot of questions that go into this.

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