Dealing with empty XML nodes (Prototype)

I have the following XML data:

<c_comments>SIBU @ 3:00 p.m</c_comments>

Currently, this data is refreshed using an AJAX call from Prototype. The issue that comes up is that sometimes, different nodes will have empty data. I need to check each node on every refresh to clear out a form field value if that node is empty.

Any ideas on how to do this? I’ve tried checking for an empty string, but that doesn’t work. Now I’m thinking that I should just check to see if the node exists but I have my doubts that that will work either.

What do you find that the empty node has instead?

Paul, essentially the node is empty. I need a way to go through the nodes and ignore the empty ones. As soon as the Javascript hits the empty node it stops running.

So when I run this:

$('wp_comments').value = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

and the <wp_comments> element is empty (<wp_comments />) I need to skip that element and move on to the next one?

I tried this as well:

cNode = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments')[0];
if(cNode.ChildNodes.length) {
$('wp_comments').value = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

and it does not seem to work.
Thanks for the help!

So would it work appropriately if you checked if there are any comments?

var comments = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments');
if (comments) {
    $('wp_comments').value = comments[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

Check its length instead.

I did:

var comments = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments');
if(comments) {

And even if the node is empty, the alert pops up.

Great idea! Tried this:

var comments = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
		if(comments.length > 0)
			$('wp_comments').value = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('wp_comments')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

It correctly returns the length if there is one.

Now, I need to apply this to every node I have. Any ideas on consolidating the “if” statements?


Playing with this some more, it appears that the empty node still breaks the XML structure, even if I ignore it in the JavaScript.

I may just need to modify the script that generates the XML to not include blank items. So if my value is null in the database, just don’t generate a tag for that item.