Data lost when chop-off and reassemble with concatenate method

I’ve very large array of data. So I try to chop it off in chunks in hope to send them faster in smaller data frame. Here’s what I’ve tried:

var data = [-0.0000149274455907288940,.0022308228071779013,-0.000840449589304626,-0.00009198358748108149,-0.00141235312912613150,.00144868600182235240,.0023528186138719320,.00050975312478840350,.0003817091346718371,-0.000051242444897070530,.0019181815441697836,-0.0004450371488928795,-0.00053559383377432820];

var f32s = new Float32Array(data),
	subarrayA = f32s.subarray(0, 5),
	subarrayB = f32s.subarray(5, 13);

function Float32Concat(first, second) {
    var firstLength = first.length;
    var result = new Float32Array(firstLength + second.length);

    result.set(second, firstLength);

    return result;

var buffer = Float32Concat(subarrayA, subarrayB);

console.log(buffer); // [-0.000014927445590728894, 0.0022308228071779013, -0.000840449589304626, -0.00009198358748108149, -0.0014123531291261315, 0.0014486860018223524, 0.002352818613871932, 0.0005097531247884035, 0.0003817091346718371, -0.00005124244489707053, 0.0019181815441697836, -0.0004450371488928795, -0.0005355938337743282]

if (buffer === data) {
} else {

Everything seems to be working as expected, but the result wasn’t an identical data before I chop them off.
Thank you,


Are you talking about the fact that you lose the trailing 0 from the numbers?

Thanks for response. They are not the same data but it’s working fine.

I’ve more question though. Supposed I’ve data length of 8192 bytes and I want to chop it off into 4 chunks equally.

subarrayA = f32s.subarray(0, 2048),
subarrayB = f32s.subarray(2048, 4096);
subarrayC = f32s.subarray(4096, 6144);
subarrayD = f32s.subarray(6144, 8192);

How do I modify the Float32Concat function? I just picked it from StackOverflow.