Customize TTY prompt with Automated Scritpting

I’m Automating Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 18.04 on Digital Ocean using the user-data insert to start a new server.
I want to customize the PS1 prompt in the etc/skel/.bashrc
but I need to replace line 59 or it may be it’s 60, which is not the end of the file…
so would it be?

sed -i "59 PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\n\@ \[\e[32;40m\]\u\[\e[m\] \[\e[32;40m\]@\[\e[m\]\n \[\e[32;40m\]\H\[\e[m\] \[\e[36;40m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[33m\]\\$\[\e[m\]' etc/skel.bashrc"

I’m guessing the -i flag is an insert, would it be an -r to replace?

and is it double quotes around single quotes? or should I be trying to escape one set of quotes?

set -euo pipefail


# Name of the user to create and grant sudo privileges

# Whether to copy over the root user's `authorized_keys` file to the new sudo
# user.

# Additional public keys to add to the new sudo user
#     "ssh-rsa AAAAB..."
#     "ssh-rsa AAAAB..."
# )


# Add sudo user and grant privileges
useradd --create-home --shell "/bin/bash" --groups sudo "${USERNAME}"

# Check whether the root account has a real password set
encrypted_root_pw="$(grep root /etc/shadow | cut --delimiter=: --fields=2)"

if [ "${encrypted_root_pw}" != "*" ]; then
    # Transfer auto-generated root password to user if present
    # and lock the root account to password-based access
    echo "${USERNAME}:${encrypted_root_pw}" | chpasswd --encrypted
    passwd --lock root
    # Delete invalid password for user if using keys so that a new password
    # can be set without providing a previous value
    passwd --delete "${USERNAME}"

# Expire the sudo user's password immediately to force a change
chage --lastday 0 "${USERNAME}"

# Create SSH directory for sudo user
home_directory="$(eval echo ~${USERNAME})"
mkdir --parents "${home_directory}/.ssh"

# Copy `authorized_keys` file from root if requested
if [ "${COPY_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FROM_ROOT}" = true ]; then
    cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys "${home_directory}/.ssh"

# Add additional provided public keys
for pub_key in "${OTHER_PUBLIC_KEYS_TO_ADD[@]}"; do
    echo "${pub_key}" >> "${home_directory}/.ssh/authorized_keys"

# Adjust SSH configuration ownership and permissions
chmod 0700 "${home_directory}/.ssh"
chmod 0600 "${home_directory}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
chown --recursive "${USERNAME}":"${USERNAME}" "${home_directory}/.ssh"

# Disable root SSH login with password
sed --in-place 's/^PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
if sshd -t -q; then
    systemctl restart sshd

# Add exception for SSH and then enable UFW firewall
ufw allow OpenSSH
ufw --force enable

# customize TTY prompt
echo "PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\n\@ \[\e[32;40m\]\u\[\e[m\] \[\e[32;40m\]@\[\e[m\]\n \[\e[32;40m\]\H\[\e[m\] \[\e[36;40m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[33m\]\\$\[\e[m\] '" >> etc/skel.bashrc

See the other thread for the answer to the main bit.

It’s one set of quotes around another - whatever quote you use to start the string, you can’t use inside the string. So if your string needs to use ', you wrap the string in ", and vice versa.

Using search would match other lines besides just the one I’m needing to change

stick the line number in front of the s to limit it’s scope to that line number.

To quote the manual page for sed…
Sed commands can be given with no addresses, in which case the command will be executed for all input lines; with one address, in which case the command will only be executed for input lines which match that address; or with two addresses, in which case the command will be executed for all input lines which match the inclusive range of lines starting from the first address and continuing to the second address.

Additional information about the matter (such as what you can define an address to be) can be sought in the “Addresses” section of the manual.

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Thanks, that’s what I’ve been needing

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