current_user object is getting lost


I’m working on an app that tracks oil/gas/electricity consumption. Can be seen on with login/password as guest/guest

This is all going fine. Now I decide that I also want to log water usage. I see that it’s the exact same as the method for gas, i.e. a meter that logs usage in m3, so I figure I’ll cut and paste as much code as possible.

I generate the scaffold and edit the existing view where I want to be able to define a new water account. This page is on and is the same page used to create a new gas account.
When I click on the link to “New Water Account” I get a error as follows

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating

Now I’ve verified this using logger.debug as you can see in the code below. It does show that @current_user is null.

def edit
  logger.debug "Current user : #{@current_user}"
    @water_account = params[:id] ?   @current_user.water_accounts.find_by_id(params[:id]) :
    @water_suppliers = :all, :order => 'name')
    @water_units = WaterUnit.find( :all, :order => 'name')

What I can’t fathom is that on the same page for setting up new water/gas etc. accounts, the link to a new gas account works fine, and I copied the water_accounts_controller code directly from the gas_account_controller code, exactly the same. They are both accessed via the same view so I cant understand how in one case the @current_user is null and in the other case, its fine, and I can access it. BTW, the line that gives the error is the

   @water_suppliers = :all, :order => 'name')

I’m stumped by the fact that , from a controller point of view, the code is exactly the same, and the code in the view which accesses both controllers is also the same but in one case the current_user object disappears.

Any help would be most appreciated.

/ Colm

The very fact that I try to explain the problem clearly has led me on the right path.
From the scaffold my water_account_controller started with

class WaterAccountsController < ApplicationController 

whereas my gas_accounts_controlle started with

class WaterAccountsController < AuthenticatedController 

Ba-da-bing… another erro has surfaced now but at least I’m back on track…