Curious question - altering URL

Hello, everyone,

I just now noticed that as I scroll down posts of a particular topic, the URL in my browser is being updated with the post number that is in view.

I was always of the understanding that the URL couldn’t be directly manipulated in the URL field of the browser, as this was a security issue. Yet, here SPF is doing just that.

Is this a new declaration of the HTML5 standards??? And how is it done? I’m curious.



HTML5 would be my guess.

Look at location interface - might be what discourse is using.

That seems right. I believe Discourse does use history.pushState, but maybe @system can shed some light on the topic.

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FINALLY, a page DoD isn’t blocking… :slight_smile: Thanks!



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It’s done using HTML5’s history API
Here’s alink explaining more (sorry, I’m on an iPad)

That is pretty slick. Thanks for the link, @Pullo.



UPDATE: The API can be read about here.

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