css3 - chaining keyframes

Is there any way to have keyframes trigger other keyframes
or at least run in a sequence

do they all start at the same time?

oh, sorry, found the animation-delay property

EDIT: wait that won’t work it will work if all are the same length

i am trying to do a slideshow using http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/04/25/pure-css3-cycling-slideshow/
as to get an idea and looked at the keyframes, after I figured out what they were doing, i just thought there would be a different way to do it
namely haveing all the keyframes the same and not haveing to figure out all the percent things and math

the problem is thinking of it as a chain. It’s more of an overlay.

so for example, if the first part of your anim is 3 second the second 5 , the third is 2 and the last holds for 7sec.

you want the delays to be something like : 0s,3s,8s,10s… ( so essentially the the delay is the sum of the time of all the previous transitions)

hope that helps.