CSS animations with Bootstrap carousel

Here is a sample of the code I’m working on: https://codepen.io/bmcdesign/pen/mdRwOBe

I’m using the Bootstrap carousel with animate.css (https://animate.style/) and some JavaScript code to have the animations activate on each slide.

I want the animated div to appear automatically in the middle of the screen, rather than appearing and then jumping to the center.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :slight_smile:

EDIT: I tried getting rid of fadeInUp and it still jumps on appearing

Remove the bounceIn from the data-animation attribute on each element.

<div class="carousel-caption" data-animation="animated bounceIn">


`<div class="carousel-caption" data-animation="animated">`
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I was trying to animate the background as well. However, it looks good like this, so I’ll keep it. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

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