Creating a Website/Template that Clones Homeaway, AirBnB,...etc

I am trying to create a website that clones and can handle vacation rental listings from numerous property owners, each with access to upload and modify/manage their listings. I am very new to this so I recognize that I will need help.

I have looked at existing templates out there like lodgify, webchalet, myVR & Kigo and most do not allow for this out of the box. The ones that do seem to charge money per property listed which makes it impossible to do from the start as it is not feasible if I am trying to get listings and need to pay per unit rented.

.I feel like the little guy just can’t catch a break… If I create a template or someone helps me do it, which mimics homeaway. What do I need in it mechanically?

In other words:

  1. I need a way to store listings which can be entered by multiple outside parties, even if they submit it from their homeaway and AirBnB listings to mine.
  2. I need a searchable/filtering feature on my main page in order for renters to search for what they want.
  3. I need some form of booking engine/calendar management tool.
  4. I need a platform that I can run this on.

I am sorry that I am so clueless to this but I am trying really hard and running into walls. Any advice, guidance or even list of what I need done would be of enormous help.

Thank you.

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