I’ve got a query that inserts data into a table.
"INSERT INTO `dbPosts` (`post`, `username_id`, `private`) VALUES ('$post', '$user', '1')";
When data is inserted it automatically creates an ID (incremented value) in the table row
I’ve got another query in the same php document that inserts data into another table:
"INSERT INTO `dbPrivate` (`username_id`) VALUES ('$user')";
How do I copy the ID which was automatically inserted in query1 into query2.
You need the [fphp]mysql_insert_id[/fphp] function. It will tell you the ID of the row you just inserted.
So, insert the row in the first table, use mysql_insert_id to get that row’s ID, and then insert the data into the second table.
I’m assuming you’re using PHP for this ('cos of the $user variables in your SQL). If you’re not then the mysql_insert_id function in PHP won’t help much
Hi, would this still work if multiple people were using the query?
You’re already inserting the same id into both tables. Is there something missing from query 2?
No but the LAST_INSERT_ID function in MySQL might. See the PHP manual where it warns you of possible errors in the use of mysql_insert_id and switch to LAST_INSERT_ID directly in the mysql query.