Contact HTML

Hello guys, I want a help on this code, when we type the name, email… etc the email doesn’t sent
how can I set the email to my own email to receive messages?
Help me please!

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To make a form function you need to use a side server language such as PHP, that might be time consuming if you are new to this.
On the other hand there are many online services that can make your Contact Form work without extra coding, like “Formspree” as an example. Below is an HTML code for a form that consists of Name, Email, Subject, Message Field and a Send Button.

<form action="" method="POST">
   <input type="text" name="FirstName" >
   <input type="email" name="Email">
   <input type="text" name="Subject">
   <textarea name="message"></textarea>
   <input type="submit">

Add Action, Method and Name as shown above to your existing form and make sure to replace in the first line to your actual email.

To activate it, send one message and a confirmation email will be sent to your inbox, confirm it and your form will be active.

There are other features as well, check their documentation. In the future you could eliminate this service and impliment your own PHP code.

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Thank you @MEGA, it works, but there is a problem, you can send email without email adress and without message, just click send, and it send to my email email:
like this :confused: help please?

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Then you will need to use a service that offers form validation to catch any empty required inputs.
Also required inputs should be marked as such.

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So can you help me please?

You have already been given two answers. Either find a service that offers the validation you require, or program it using a server-side language such as PHP.

Done, I fixed it, thank you so much guys for help :smiley:

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