Contact details and google ranking


I have heard the more contact information you add to your website the better the ranking. Is this true?

Phone number
Registered company number

The better the ranking for what?

As I’m sure I’ve explained before, search engines rank results for each search query on the relevance of your page content to the actual search term used.

I cannot see any reason why having your registered company number would improve your ranking if somebody is searching for “hexagonal blue widgets” or “how to press flowers” or whatever it may be that your site deals with.

I thought it was a google policy to prefer to have contact details available.

Where did you read that? I could find nothing in Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

If you want to appear in local search results for a bricks and mortar business, then obviously you need to include full contact details.

I had a website in the past without contact page.

I was told in another forum a while ago that Google looks for the existence of such pages as terms and conditions page, privacy policy page and contact page.

You are telling me they were wrong?

Google tries to establish how reliable a site is, and having contact information is usually a good thing. (In some cases, it is legally required.) However, Google’s “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide” aims to explain “best practice”, and it does not mention contact details, nor could I find any mention in Search Console Help. That should tell you how important Google considers this information in terms of SEO.

I think you mean that Google give preference to businesses that have the “claim your business” in the right side of the results.

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