I’m not sure but I haven’t done this before.
Let say I have ,
Table A (MyISAM)
Table B (InnoDB)
I want to insert a foreign key into Table B referencing Table A primary index.
Is this possible?
If not should I convert Table A to innoDB?
I’m not sure but I haven’t done this before.
Let say I have ,
Table A (MyISAM)
Table B (InnoDB)
I want to insert a foreign key into Table B referencing Table A primary index.
Is this possible?
If not should I convert Table A to innoDB?
myisam is necessary if you want to use fulltext indexing (or geolocation, if i recall correctly)
or if you’re tuning an app for massive read and infrequent update
otherwise, yes, make it innodb, because the FK won’t work otherwise
I can’t believed the InnoDB is not supported by my web hosting.
Is there an alternative for the InnoDB engine?
not that would do you any good
there is, however, an alternative for your web hosting
Can you name it? what engine is a good alternative for InnoDB?
thanks in advanced.
there are many different types of engines…
my point was, if your host doesn’t support innodb, what are the chances that one of these other engines will be supported?
not very likely, would be my guess
So what do you think the reason they don’t support it r937?
Because I asked them the reason but they don’t let me know.
it would be sheer speculation on my part, and probably not very complimentary
for the time being, make both of your tables myisam
performance should be fine, the only thing you will miss is automatic enforcement of relational integrity constraints
Thanks again r937
I’ll do that.