Confusing Javascript syntax

I get confused with this JS syntax

var person ={ }

What is it ? Is it an empty array ?

Initialize object


It’s an empty object that you can add properties to.

var person = {} = 'winzip'
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Can I add function as a property ? Can that function return another object ?


person.getNewPerson = function() {
  return { name: 'bob' }

var person2 = person.getNewPerson()
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got this part.

Is it possible that function returns the same object where it has been added ?

Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re asking.

Ok… please see this code.

var myApp=angular.module(“myApp”,)

angular is a global object defined in angular JS library. // similar to our person object
module is a function added to angular object // similar to our getNewPerson function in person object

Now , my question is what module function returns ? does it return the same angulr object or a different object ?

Angular JS lib:

Ah ok, there’s no way to know what a function returns from just looking at the way it’s called.

myApp may be a function, an object, a number etc…

The only way is to log it out and see or to look at the code.
It appears to be a new object in this case.

sorry…I posted late … I just don’t find the module function return type in this Lib:

It appears to be a new object in this case.

empty object ?

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about trying to read the angular source at this stage. It’s not important, just understand how to use the framework.

var myApp=angular.module("myApp",[])

got your point…thanks

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