Comparing competition

Does anyone know of any good service (preferably free) that allows you to see a rough number of visitors your competitors get? I have tried using Google trends but this only shows data for large sites.

There are many services that attempt to do this but they’re less reliable than beneficial, especially for smaller sites. Truth is without a central connection, measuring small is just difficult – you can’t effectively monitor isps, toolbar or use other sampling methods if no users fall into your test group.

That said, take a look at and but take the numbers with a huge grain of salt.

For making a marketing campaign successful you need to keep a check on your competitors.

I am using ‘Keyword Country’ for monitoring my own and my competitors traffic (both SEO and PPC). It tells you which landing page gets how much traffic and via what keywords… Amazing results!

If you want a free tool, you can start with trial version.

I suggest you try

I understand that OP is trying to check traffic of each competitor website. But if you want to evaluate your site traffic performance with large number of competitors, you can use Google Analytics benchmark feature. By using the tool you can evaluate whether your website is below or above average.

Alexa will give you many information about your competitor site like traffic, backlinks, keywords etc but the data is not very much reliable.

Hi Zorro. I’m interested in your suggestion “Keyword Country”. I’ve been using different software in monitoring my competitors and always struggled to find a tool that is accurate. Obviously some of the really expensive metric tools such as HitWise have a strong reputation, but they cost too much. I think “keyword country” is one thing that I will add to my list.

:slight_smile: I am all for it… I am sure you gonna love it too. Think of it as a silver bullet! Godspeed!