Cofusing in Updating the table


    CREATE TABLE `pairingtbl` (
          `parentid` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
        `left` INT(11) NOT NULL,
        `right` INT(11) NOT NULL,
        `pairamount` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL

I am working in MLM project and I want to update

pairing table

parentid  left  right  pairingamount
11        19          0.00
19        21   22       1000.00   

Now I want to update the amount of parentid 19 to add amount 100.00.,because it has completed left and right then also parentid 11 because it is the parentid of 19 and so on to it’s parents id.

can you help me please what should I do.

Thank you in advance.

sorry, i cannot help

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