Code Igniter simple MVC help


I have this simple code that where I am trying to display the name ana from the model in the view. Here is the simple code for the controller, model and the view.I get the error code: Message: Undefined variable: celebrity Filename: views/Stardisplay.php


class Starcontroller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct()

function guess()
	$newstarr = $this->Starmodel->lookup();


class Starmodel extends CI_Model{
function __construct()
public function lookup(){

$celebrity = "Anna";
return $celebrity;

	echo $celebrity;





I have made the changes, but still it won’t display the name “Anna”.
I thought that in the code I need to pass to the view Stardisplay the value of the variable $celebrity

Maybe I am not doing something right:
In the codeigniter controllers folder I have a controller welcome.php with the function:

public function index()

Also in config-> router.php there is this code:

$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";
$route['404_override'] = '';

Try this:

function guess()


$data['celebrity'] = $this->Starmodel->lookup();

$this->load->view('Stardisplay', $data);


Thank you. Yes this worked for me.

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